Price cuts for DSi and price hikes for Xbox LIVE

31 08 2010
Both Nintendo and Microsoft opened up the week by making official announcements on Monday regarding the prices of their gaming products.

Nintendo officially announced a price cut to its latest handheld iteration the DSi, while Microsoft officials announced a price hike to its online multiplayer subscription service, Xbox LIVE. Read the rest of this entry »

DeathSpank sequel to premiere 2 months after original debut

23 08 2010

The downloadable hack n’ slash role-playing game DeathSpank, will be receiving a sequel game only two months after it debuted on Xbox Live and Playstation Network in July.

The new sequel is titled DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, and will released onto the Playstation Network on Sept. 21st and on XBLA on Sept. 22nd, as confirmed by GameInformer. Read the rest of this entry »

Insight: The Tekken movie (is it really THAT bad?)

15 08 2010


With all of the recent craziness going on about the Tekken live-action movie, I decided that I, being a fan of the fighting game series, would watch the film and see what all the hubbub is about. 


Now as I went into this movie, I wasn’t prepared to do what most gamers do when watching an adaptation: look for the differences. I wanted to actually see the movie with a clear mind and not ruin every single moment of it by comparing it to the games or deliberately looking for problems. Bearing that in mind, Tekken was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  Read the rest of this entry »

Tekken film adaptation hits stores, game producer comments

10 08 2010

As the Tekken live-action film adaptation finally released on DVD and Blu-ray on Tuesday in Japan, one producer of the Tekken game series has already distanced himself from the movie via Twitter.

Characters such as Bryan Fury (left) and Sergei Dragunov (right) from the Tekken series face-off in the film adaptation.

   Japanese producer on the Tekken video game team, Katsuhiro Harada, addressed questions about the film from his followers on Monday and Tuesday through his English Twitter feed.  

When a follower asked about a certain character’s motivation and action in the film (omitted due to spoilers), Harada responded: “ That Hollywood movie is terrible. We were not able to supervise that movie(It was cruel contract) I’m not interested in that mv.” Read the rest of this entry »

Insight: Trophy/Achievement addiction revisited—a moment of clarity

7 08 2010

Trophy/Achievement addiction is something I have visited in this blog before. The incessant need to accomplish multiple (and sometimes impossible) tasks in order to get digital awards that only serve to boost up your ranking in the respective gaming realm of whatever system you happen to be on.

I myself caved into trophy addiction as I mindlessly blew through games on the hardest difficulties, hardly paying any attention to the story or characters. It didn’t matter how many times I died or got stuck, the frustration wasn’t there, I would simply press on because at the end I would get a trophy.

However, I recently had a “moment of clarity” that allowed me to break through my addiction. Read the rest of this entry »