Happy Holidays from The Pause Button!

18 12 2012

With the holidays impending, our posts will be slowing for the end of the year. Since 2012 is wrapping up, we’d like to revisit some of our best moments of the year.

Click to see more of our photos from PCC!

Click to see more of our photos from PCC!

Phoenix Comicon 2012-

Packed with tons of video game guests and best of all, convention goers, the 2012 Phoenix Comicon was as big a bash as it can get. Not only did the cosplayers bring their A-game, lots of the guests such as Mega Ran and Snubby J did too! Read the rest of this entry »

DEVASTATION’s Robb Chiarini discusses event cancellation with The Pause Button

4 10 2012

DEVASTATION, the gaming event that hosted several thousands over the course of an October weekend in Phoenix last year, was undoubtedly one of the biggest gaming events the state has seen. Since then the event team had gone quiet, player rumblings and rumors of payouts circulated, and very little information was given on whether or not the tournament would make its return in 2012. On Wednesday, DEVASTATION director Robb Chiarini made a public announcement that the event would not be happening this year.

In the announcement, Chiarini explained how the 2011 event had failed to pay out some winners due to a sudden sponsor drop out and that his own efforts to rectify the situation by selling his comic collection had resulted in further issues.

Chiarini also elaborated in the video that he and his team have worked to contact unpaid players and eventually settle all the loose ends from the 2011 event. Shortly after the video was released, Chiarini spoke with The Pause Button further on the announcement and what this would mean for the team, the players, and the future of the event.

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IncreaseBlue’s Saboten Con Re-cap

5 09 2012

Anime and game lovers alike are back to the daily grind after the exhausting 2012 Saboten Con finished up over the weekend in Glendale. This was the convention’s first dive into its new venue of the Glendale Renaissance Hotel and despite some missteps, it came out victorious over last years’ performance.

The Yamaoka-centric concerts with Mary Elizabeth McGlynn on vocals were an easy highlight of the convention.

Although Saboten Con was more so anime and video game-oriented, thus having a less diverse draw of panels and events than the Phoenix Comicon, the convention definitely made each individual event count with its guests and programming.

The new hotel was a more than welcome change, as the Saboten Con was all but bursting with attendees in its old home of the Hilton Squaw Peak Resort in Phoenix. This allowed the latest Sabo endeavor breathing room to try on new things, some a step in the right direction, while others could use some fine-tuning. Read the rest of this entry »

BREAKING: DESERTBASH 2012 event cancelled

23 05 2012

The folks running the charity LAN party known as DESERTBASH announced yesterday that this years event would be cancelled and tickets refunded to all who registered.

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IncreaseBlue’s Phoenix Comicon guide for gamers (2012 ver.)

15 05 2012

It’s that time of year again. The Phoenix Comicon looms ahead at the end of May, bursting with individual events that make even the most casual of geeks and gamers giddy with anticipation. Once again IncreaseBlue has scoured the huge list of programming for the convention and put together an optimal guide of panels, concerts, and other fun events for gamers to hit up.

Phoenix Comicon is coming. Are you ready for the awesome?


Anyone who attended last years’ comicon knows that it was huge, packed, and awesome. This years’ event threatens to be even bigger (despite losing Star Trek veteran Patrick Stewart from the guest roster) and offers an incredible array of exciting events garnered towards gaming including panels, music, and tournaments. Here are a select few that stood out in the 2012 programming: Read the rest of this entry »

Gaming Madness This Week in AZ

17 01 2012

If January has done nothing except bore you thus far, then you’re in luck, as there are two gaming events happening to get your attention.

Both LAN Speed Games and Team Hazmat are hosting events this week in Peoria and Laveen respectively. Read the rest of this entry »