New dating site for gamers rated AO

30 03 2010

Playing video games has generally never been considered a romantic activity. It is true that some couples “game together and stay together” as well as some who have met while playing against each other but overall, it’s not something that’s applied to dating. One new website however, seeks to change that.

Click on the video below to get my thoughts and ideas about the website. If you’re not feeling it, scroll down for the more concise post.

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Is the Nintendo DSi XL just another useless system upgrade?

23 03 2010

To end a spectacular month for the gaming world, the newest piece of Nintendo gaming flair, the DSi XL, is due to hit store shelves on March 28.

After seeing the models in comparison to the older DS, DSlite, and DSi, gamers are begging the question: Why are you making this Nintendo? Read the rest of this entry »

Video Game Movies: When will the GAMERS be happy?

15 03 2010

It is fairly common in cinema today to have every few new releases peppered with a film adaptation of a video game. Undoubtedly, the realm of movie adaptations of video games has quickly grown in only 20 years time, but regardless if you’re a gamer or not, the general conception about video game movies is that they suck.


High five! We Fail!

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Is achievement/trophy addiction a problem?

9 03 2010

Admittedly, this post is late due to this very problem. I finally got the time to sit down and play the long anticipated Heavy Rain. And while the game went above and beyond all of my expectations, I nonetheless found myself replaying over and over and OVER to unlock trophies in the game. Within only 20 hours of play, I had unlocked all but 5 (and that’s a pretty difficult deal for me) and completely ignored the other things I needed to do; writing this post for example. Read the rest of this entry »