IncreaseBlue’s Phoenix Comicon Re-cap

29 05 2012

The 2012 Phoenix Comicon has concluded and was the stomping ground for many a nerd, geek, otaku, and gamer over the entire four days it was held last weekend.

Numerous panels and events peppered the convention so that few were left without anything to entertain them. The Pause Button’s own IncreaseBlue covered PCC and offers her thoughts below on how it all went.

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IncreaseBlue’s Phoenix Comicon guide for gamers (2012 ver.)

15 05 2012

It’s that time of year again. The Phoenix Comicon looms ahead at the end of May, bursting with individual events that make even the most casual of geeks and gamers giddy with anticipation. Once again IncreaseBlue has scoured the huge list of programming for the convention and put together an optimal guide of panels, concerts, and other fun events for gamers to hit up.

Phoenix Comicon is coming. Are you ready for the awesome?


Anyone who attended last years’ comicon knows that it was huge, packed, and awesome. This years’ event threatens to be even bigger (despite losing Star Trek veteran Patrick Stewart from the guest roster) and offers an incredible array of exciting events garnered towards gaming including panels, music, and tournaments. Here are a select few that stood out in the 2012 programming: Read the rest of this entry »

Say Hello to Some AZHP Gaming

20 03 2012

Courtesy of Con Nichiwa.

After a very busy start to the year, our friends at AZHP have been busy indeed, and have got a few events to show for it. This weekend the group will host gaming at the Tucson Con Nichiwa convention, as well as gaming for DESERTBASH later on this year.

Con-Nichiwa is the Tucson-based anime convention taking place on March 23 through March 25th at the Holiday Inn & Suites in the Tucson Airport-North area. AZHP released their gaming schedule last week on the tournaments they have planned for each day of the event, they go like so:

-12 p.m. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND (PS3)
-3 p.m. Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)
-6 p.m. Soul Calibur V (PS3)
-9 p.m. Gears of War 3 (360) Read the rest of this entry »

AZHP Breaking in the New Year With Taiyou Con

21 12 2011

Kicking off 2012 proper will be the AZHP hosting tournaments at the Taiyou Con anime convention the first weekend of January.

Photo courtesy of Taiyou Con.

The event will be taking place on January 6-8 Taiyou Con at the Hilton Phoenix East/Mesa hotel.

AZHP will be hosting tournaments throughout the weekend. As per usual practice, the crew will host open and casual gaming throughout the event as well, but their tournament schedule is as follows: Read the rest of this entry »

JUST ANNOUNCED: Konami’s Akira Yamaoka Coming to Saboten Con 2012

20 12 2011

Saboten Con representatives officially announced Monday night that longtime Konami composer Akira Yamaoka would be attending the event in 2012.

Photo courtesy of Saboten Con.

Yamaoka is a composer for the studio most widely known for his compositions featured in the Silent Hill series of video games, most notably Silent Hill 3. His most recent sound work includes the 2011 demon shoot’em up title Shadows of the Damned. Yamaoka will join fellow video game guests Phil LaMarr, the voice of Vamp in the Metal Gear series, and Troy Baker, voice of Vincent in the game Catherine, at the convention.

[UPDATE: Saboten Con officials further announced that Yamaoka, along with Troy Baker and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, will be putting on a Silent Hill music concert on the Saturday of the event. Your mind blown yet?]

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IncreaseBlue’s Sabo Guide For Gamers

27 09 2011

Earlier in the year Phoenix Comicon gave a vast array of programming for gamers as well as otakus, steampunks, and more. Now with Saboten-Con in only a few days, gamers once again find themselves on the receiving end of a plethora of awesome panels and tournaments to be had at the convention this weekend.

Courtesy of Saboten-Con.

Saboten-Con is an anime convention that will be held at Hilton Squaw Peak Resort in Phoenix on Friday the 30th through Sunday.

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