IncreaseBlue’s Phoenix Comicon Re-cap

29 05 2012

The 2012 Phoenix Comicon has concluded and was the stomping ground for many a nerd, geek, otaku, and gamer over the entire four days it was held last weekend.

Numerous panels and events peppered the convention so that few were left without anything to entertain them. The Pause Button’s own IncreaseBlue covered PCC and offers her thoughts below on how it all went.

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IncreaseBlue’s Phoenix Comicon guide for gamers (2012 ver.)

15 05 2012

It’s that time of year again. The Phoenix Comicon looms ahead at the end of May, bursting with individual events that make even the most casual of geeks and gamers giddy with anticipation. Once again IncreaseBlue has scoured the huge list of programming for the convention and put together an optimal guide of panels, concerts, and other fun events for gamers to hit up.

Phoenix Comicon is coming. Are you ready for the awesome?


Anyone who attended last years’ comicon knows that it was huge, packed, and awesome. This years’ event threatens to be even bigger (despite losing Star Trek veteran Patrick Stewart from the guest roster) and offers an incredible array of exciting events garnered towards gaming including panels, music, and tournaments. Here are a select few that stood out in the 2012 programming: Read the rest of this entry »

Needlessly Reading Between Lines: A Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Review

5 04 2012

Two weeks ago, the latest installment to the Resident Evil franchise Operation Raccoon City released. The game is set in post-outbreak Raccoon City and enables the player to fulfill the role of a super elite clean-up team “WolfPack” hired by Umbrella to weed out survivors and destroy incriminating evidence. The Pause Button’s own IncreaseBlue got the chance to fully dive into the game and offers her thoughts below. Warning, there are few spoilers ahead.

"Strike a pose!"


I’ll be honest, I had high hopes for Operation Raccoon City. The thought of mercilessly taking out survivors in a zombie infested city, squashing all hope for rescue, and (most importantly) personally dispatching Leon and Claire with my own bare hands just sounded awesome. Unfortunately the game doesn’t really own up to its non-cannon ties and gets hunkered down by the existing Resident Evil storyline, as well as painful controls and other game play issues. Read the rest of this entry »

IncreaseBlue’s Saboten-Con Re-cap

4 10 2011

The 2011 Saboten-Con occurred over the weekend in Phoenix at the Squaw Peak Hilton Resort. The event played host to numerous voice actors such as Sean Schemmel, Reuben Langdon, and Johnny Yong Bosch, as well as offered up a fair amount of panels and activities for attendees.

Not only were there tons of anime events to attend, but also steampunk, gaming and various other genres were present in the programming. The Pause Button’s own IncreaseBlue was able to attend Saboten and offers her thoughts below about how it went.

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Just Might Have Lost The Spark: an inFAMOUS 2 Review

7 06 2011

Sucker Punch’s latest addition to the inFAMOUS saga released on Tuesday and follows Cole McGrath as he travels to New Marais in preparation for his upcoming battle with The Beast. The Pause Button’s IncreaseBlue was able to get a first look at the game and offers her review below:

Sucker Punch may have delivered a blow to themselves in trying to follow up what I have proclaimed a PS3-exclusive masterpiece known as the first inFAMOUS game. While the original inFAMOUS wasn’t without its flaws, it had plenty to offer with exploration, a sci-fi plot, and likeable characters, whether you were good or bad in your play through. Read the rest of this entry »

The Pause Button Phoenix Comicon Re-cap and AZHP Interview

1 06 2011

Did you happen to catch our quick video re-cap and interview with FrankCastleAZ of AZHP? No? Well check it out below and let us know what YOUR favorite part of Phoenix Comicon was!